Sunday, June 10, 2007

Assignment #1

Allen Palmer quotes the following statement from Jacob „maps make the invisible visible“. Comments:

Key words: Mapmaking Google earth, Arab regimes and censorship

- Maps visualized that what used to be unknown; they helped in understanding geography. I think that most importantly, maps helped in the orientation of people. That which was invisible to them becomes visible through maps because they now knew where specific places were, like holy places, trade routes and places, and military navigation. Mapping has evolved throughout the years, and the latest technology on mapping is Google Earth. This technology provides people through the use of internet, to locate any place with very detailed vision. The latest satellite technology that Google Earth provides, has also some negative aspects. Especially Arab regimes seem to have a problem with this new form of technology because of the lack of privacy they are getting. It can have a negative influence on their politics and details about their country are exposed for everyone to see (poverty/chantey towns). Censorship is then implemented by these countries because of the lack of appreciation they have for invasion of their privacy. The thing with censorship is that they are often criticized by others for taking their freedom away.

Allen Palmer finishes his essay by saying that “The emergence of global communication imposes new frames of meaning about the winding path of historical change”. Discuss.

- Global communication has improved so much over the years, and most people cannot imagine themselves without using communication these days. When looking back at the history of communication and how far it has come, it is hard to define what communication was and its. It is hard to look at where communication is going, and how much further it can evolve.

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