Saturday, June 23, 2007

Outline # 3 - Detailed

Detailed Outline # 3

Globalization of the Telecommunications

Globalization of telecommunication has revolutionized international communication.
Global trends in telecommunication:
- liberalization of telecommunication
- privatization of telecommunication (government owned)
- deregulation of telecommunication (independent autonomous agencies)

* The state provided a national infostructure, equipment and regulation in international communication
* The state controls market figures.
* Telecommunication increased the demand from transnational corporation for the reduction of tariffs.

Liberalization of Telecommunication

Free trade in communication:
- Free marketers wanted to end state intervention in world trade and promote liberalization in privatization.
- The WTO was set up with a clear agenda for privatization.
- Competition and cooperation makes “comparation”.

* Center/core= Japan, South Korea, Finland à in terms of production and consumption
* Theory: spiral of silence; related to the idea of the majority rules.
* “Marketplace of ideas” à ideas circulate.


* Immanuel Kant à “we are unavoidably side by side”
* Globalization is the “Zeitgeist” (Spirit of the Time) of the 1990s.
* Globalization: a complex set of processes, not a single one
- embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions, generating transcontinental or interregional flows and networks of activity, interaction and power.

- Beck à ideology of rule by the world market, ‘globalism’ as distinct from globalization.
- The adoption of a ‘globalist’ interstate policy regime has diluted the commitment of first modernity states to both social citizenship and to republican constitutionalism.

- From now on nothing which happens on our planet is only a limited local event.
- All inventions, victories, and catastrophes affect the whole world.
- We must reorient our lives along a local and global axis.


- Origins are in the discipline of marketing to express.
- Global production of the local: McDonaldization
- Localization of the Global: Frech/Indian/Arab McDonalds

Three positions: globalization literature puts forward three views of globalization

- Hyperglobalists
- Skeptics
- Transformationalist

Hyperglobalists: we are already in a globalist world.
Skeptics: globalization is an old term; economic point of view.

Globalization theorists: no globalization without…

- Manuel Castells: network society
- Anthony Giddens: third way à capitalism, socialism, social free market economy (hyperglobalist).
- Marshall McLuhan: global village (hyperglobalist).

Globalization: the consequence of modernization.


- Argue that globalization increases.
- Hollows out the state.
- Hollows out citizenship both on the level of global market forces and at the level of regional blocs like the European Union.
- The force of globalization has made an authoritarian regime go to a libertarian.


- Argue that globalization is not a new phenomenon and it is not historically unprecedented.
- Globalization is not new, but the speed of spreading of information is.


- Multifaced contextual phenomenon of human civilization.
- Globalization is transforming and reconstituting the power and authority of national governments.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear student,

Excellent job.